Thursday, June 02, 2005


If you want to get the scare of your life, you gotta watch "Narutaru". It's VERY DISTURBING and will leave you with eyes open after you had watched it. At least, for me.

It's an anime but it's definitely not for kids. Mind you, it's not "Naruto" but it's "Narutaru". The whole series contains 13 episodes and I recommend you to just watch episode 10, 11 and 12. The rest of the episodes are too boring and normal but not 10, 11 and 12. It scared the hell out of me. I mean, I'm pretty used to horror movies but this anime is really different. It's CREEPY and VERY DISTURBING.

It was aired in Kids Central in japan and I cannot imagine kids in Japan actually watched this. It will definitely be banned in Singapore! Ok, what about the show? I'm going to describe a bit but it's going to be very gross and brutal. So be warned and I recommend you don't read what's going to follow up as it's very sick. In fact, I don't really feel like writing out but for those who want to make their curiousity feel better(the reason why I watched this shit too), you can read on. WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT FOLLOWING UP. IF YOU HATE DISTURBING,DARK, INCEST, CREEPY AND SICK CONTENT, I RECOMMEND YOU TO STOP READING NOW.

At one scene, you actually see a group of gals bullying another in school and how do they do it? They insert a test tube into that poor gal's vagina and the head of the bullies actually threatened to kick her in the stomach while the test tube is still being inserted. It's definitely not for kids... Worst... the poor gal who got bullied eventually became psychotic and killed her own parents. AND she took revenge on all the bullies who bullied her... the worst scenario when she uses a monster to insert live worms into the bully's mouth until the bully is grabbing her own belly. Not all, the monster uses hand which is as thick as a tree trunk and insert it into the bully's vagina. The bully was there screaming... "Stop it.. it's very painiful... i will die" but everything just pierce through from the stomach... of course she died.

You have to watch it yourself. I read the somebody's review about this show and it really makes me very curious to watch... but if you have a weak heart, better don't watch.. It's very DARK, INCEST, CREEPY, SICK and DISTURBING.



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