Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Things I Will Still Do When I'm 50

Ok. I am going to repeat myself!!!!

You will have to agree it's difficult to dislike what you like.. anyway, why the hell would people try to do that? Why would people want to try to dislike the things that they love doing?

So, I will still be doing all the same things when I'm 50:
a) Form an old man soccer team with Henry and company to challenge the youngster
b) Rock 'N' Roll and voluming my hi-fi LOUD at home
c) Writing poems... for my grandchild this time probably
d) Watching anime with my grandson

So, what will happen when I'm doing each of these things:
a) We are going to lose 45-0 and till nobody want to waste their time playing against us
b) I'm deaf by then
c) My grandchild is going to take the paper that contains my poem and draw pictures on it
d) My wife still saying "Please stop watching those childish stuff please".

I will be gone and wouldn't be around by then... Life is short(maybe).
So why are we doing things that we don't like now? We love ourselves so let's treat ourselves better....



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