Sunday, May 08, 2005

A Cheeky Angel

A Cheeky Angel (a.k.a Tenshi Na Konamaiki) was a great show...! Had just watched the first 2 episodes and I'm starting to love it... The Opening and Ending Themes are great, especially the Ending Theme called "Whenever I Think Of You" sung by Decibel. The seiyus did a great performance too... Ok, the seiyu doing the voice for the lead, Megumi Amatsuka, is none other than Megumi Hayashibara. With Megumi Hayashibara, the performance really seems flawless and entertaining. Thumbs Up!

Ok... if you are wondering what type of show "A Cheeky Angel" is, I'll say it falls under the genre of comedy and romance. I'll make a brief introduction. Here goes:

It's a story about a boy who got a mysterious book from a magician when he's still nine years old. A pierrot appeared from the book and told him to make a wish. Megumi made a wish to become a "man among a man" but the pierrot turns him into a woman instead..., and a very pretty one too and this spell will last for 10 years. Haha... Bizarrd enough... That's where the interesting part came, 6 years later when he/she enters the high school now, Megumi is making all the guys falling head over heels in love with him/her. Lots of funny stuff happens.

It's a very interesting plot and it's funny too., very heart warming and sort of makes me relax when I'm watching it..



Blogger cl0udi3 said...

Hmm.. Is it a serial? Sounds interesting from your description! I also wanna watch!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:39:00 AM  

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