Saturday, August 13, 2005

Clearig My Room

I am fucking clearing my room now... hadn't clear it for a few years and it seems like I'm living in a stupid mountain of junks... I am throwing everything which I don't want away... definitely no mercy this time!

Things I encountered:
- 3 little bears... decided to give 2 to my sister... keepin one for myself... count them lucky someone wants to keep them or else they will end up in the bin.

- my old PC. Managed to squeeze out some cable which may be useful, a SDram (anbody interested, pls contact me, I don't mind giving out for free). The casing... I'm thinking of.. to hell with it, just straight to the bin. Remember, no mercy!

- Few boxes of lecture notes. Those are definitely out. I wouldn't need them anymore. Nowadays everything can be found on the net and in soft copy.

- Some army thingy.. the l-torch, kiwi..etc etc. I'm keeping those... I have learn my lesson during the last revervist when I have to go buy all of them last minute. A few thick infantry handbook. Now those are interesting when you are not a soldier anymore.

- While I was clearing all my notes, found a name card with someone's writing. It says "Throw Shaowei Away". F. CB. My stupid playful friends... too many that I have no clue who's the most likely cuprit.

- Found sketches which I drew in the past... think I could draw pretty well then. In the past and ya.. 3 years of lectures, what do you expect.

Well, after half a day... managed to throw out everything that I don't want. Now it's the interesting part, to arrange the things I want to keep...



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