Thursday, November 24, 2005

Long Post

Not Updating My Blog
Someone ask me recently... "Why aren't you updating your blog anymore?" So I gave back the usual and standard reply... "I am too busy." ...which is true. Busy with work, my school project(which is coming to an end) and of course, busy scoring goals.. haha... arrogant? No, I mean more like busy trying my best to score as many as I could before 2005 ends. I aim to reach my 100 goal since 31st July 2005. We will go into that later.. So being buzy will mean that now is the only time I can update my blog... and when I say now, I mean past midnight.. Hope I won't end up a panda tomorrow at work "again". Yes.. always the case. Today, I will write a little more... so for those who wanted to read something, you can read until you "song". Even though it might be only one person asking about my blog or even only one person reading my blog, I'm really happy. Touched really... a blog full of craps and broken english.. so for those who are still reading, I salute you and say thanks... and BTW, feel free to leave me a comment or sms so I know you are reading.. of course, Henry and Jeffrey are the ones who visits frequently, so thanks. I'll try to make my blog more interesting but do not expect much as uninteresting guy can't write interesting stuff. Watever...

Yeah.. another thing. What happen to my poems?? I gave up writing? NO!!! I still love writing but I just can't write anymore... Believe me, I'm trying real hard and cracking my brain real hard... Stops at June 2003, and continue to complete 6 more from April to June 2005. Stops again and now we are reaching December.. 38 poems in all, excluding some that I dropped. lost count.. you can read them all at my homepage, both the 38 poems as well as the dropped ones. Don't be upset if you happen to find poems that I wrote for or wrote about you being dropped.. they are still there.. just that, they will not be so easily accessible through the site. Recently I wrote in my blog that I was going to complete a new piece called "A Bolt From The Blue" but it never gets uploaded to my page... What happens is when I read it all over again, I deleted almost about 50% of it cause I just felt that something was not right.. probably because I don't mean what I said in it.. This piece is those encouraging happy go lucky type of poem.. I mean I do write hair metal, but never this type of poem.. telling you the world is so beautful and... seriously, I have to sleep now... my eyes closed... write again..



Anonymous Anonymous said...


how do you know i still read your blog frequently?or perhaps you have another friend by the same name as me..hehe

great to know you are still alive..working hard for your career..

hope to keep in touch soon..maybe after JB come back from Aussie..have a small gathering.

take care bro!cheers, xiaomao

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:08:00 AM  

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